What should I be careful about after surgery for men’s leeway?

More and more men are starting to exercise and lose weight in order to have a strong and masculine body. However, despite their hard work, there are times when they are particularly worried about the funding. This is a symptom of female breast disease.

I put my time and effort into thinking that if I lose weight by exercising my chest hard, I will change my shape to be full of masculine beauty, but if I have a breast with a female breast disease, I will never be able to improve it. The only solution is surgery for men to have leeway.

In the case of male leeway, it is a disease that is difficult to grasp the cause by itself. In some cases, female hormones are secreted excessively from birth, breast tissue develops, and other diseases can be caused by obesity, hormonal imbalance, and drug use.

The main symptom of leeway is that despite being a man, he has a plump chest that sticks out like a woman. Even if you wear clothes, you can see clearly, so you can’t help but cringe, and sometimes you put on layers of clothes to hide them. It is difficult to visit spaces, swimming pools, gyms, public baths, changing rooms, etc., and it can be greatly reduced in daily life. This usually starts in adolescence and sometimes calms down naturally over time.

However, sometimes it doesn’t disappear even when you become an adult. At this time, you certainly need to get out with surgical help. After checking whether there is breast tissue growth and fat distribution through ultrasonography, we will find out if there is a false or true margin, and if there is a definite diagnosis of true margin, we will treat it through liposuction.

Relaxation is recognized as an obvious disease. However, we cannot expect a complete recovery just by taking medicine, and we are applying surgical treatment. The important thing is postoperative management. Satisfaction and maintenance can vary greatly depending on how you manage it, so it is recommended that you follow the hospital’s guidance and have quick recovery and elasticity.

Among them, the need to wear compression suits is greatly emphasized. Strong pressure can cause pain and discomfort, but please wear it. What is the reason?

1. It will shape your chest well.Because the mammary gland was removed during surgery for male margin disease, an empty space will be created in the breast area. At this time, you should apply maximum pressure to prevent swelling and guide the shape to remain intact. Sometimes, there are people who don’t care about milk rings at all, but it can cause problems such as crumbling and wrinkles, so be careful not to press the skin by wearing them after the affected area is stretched as much as possible.


2. Prevent bleeding and bruises.Even if it is done with a minimal incision, there may be some bleeding or bruises during the operation. If you wear a compression bandage or a compression suit under strong pressure on the first day, you can prevent it to some extent.

https://www.omfif.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/DM-Fed-periods-table-march22c.png3. Reduce pain.If there is an empty space due to the loss of mammary glands and fat, you may feel pain even if you move a little. If you wear a compression suit that compresses that part, you can feel the relaxation effect.The Proud Clinic Center designs a customized plan to ensure that the overall balance and postoperative management of male leprosy are done correctly, rather than simply focusing on reducing the size.We maximize our satisfaction by using specialized equipment such as Reformetic EVA2 and Aporextite, and continue our research and academic activities at home and abroad based on our accumulated knowledge and know-how.Also, based on my three major backgrounds: skin, men, and plastic surgery, I fully consider the cosmetic aspects. In addition to this, we strive for the ultimate satisfaction of patients through responsible post-management.If you are worried about the symptoms of leeway, I recommend you to visit as soon as possible and ask for guidance.If you are worried about the symptoms of leeway, I recommend you to visit as soon as possible and ask for guidance.If you are worried about the symptoms of leeway, I recommend you to visit as soon as possible and ask for guidance.If you are worried about the symptoms of leeway, I recommend you to visit as soon as possible and ask for guidance.If you are worried about the symptoms of leeway, I recommend you to visit as soon as possible and ask for guidance.If you are worried about the symptoms of leeway, I recommend you to visit as soon as possible and ask for guidance.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image